Tips to Reduce Stress

★ Posted on 12-14,2024

In this article you will learn the some tips to reduce stress in your life.

stress can come from many different sources and often is under diagnosed as a reason for many health issues. If not managed properly, it can raise your cortisol levels and then affect your bad cholesterol that will have some very dangerous health effects.

The good news is that there are several things you can do to help lower your stress and therefore improve your health in all areas of your life.

Here are some tips for reducing your stress on a daily basis:

???? Exercise daily.

???? Practice meditation for ten minutes each day.

???? Eat a balanced diet.

???? Limit phone and screen time..

???? Reduce caffeine intake.

???? Practice self care (walks, massage etc).

???? Cuddle.

???? Practice mindfulness.

???? Spend time with family and friends.

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