Tips: It is suitable for athletes to quickly restore their muscle figures. Ordinary bodybuilding enthusiasts can also refer to its ideas.
Whether you're a bodybuilder looking to get into shape quickly and look leaner or you just want to show off at the beach, here's how to burn out and overload with carbs. After a week you'll be shocked at how much stronger and stronger you look.
First step
Preparation stage: increase salt intake
Increase your salt intake in the week before starting a carb-reduction program. The simplest way is to sprinkle some salt on everything you eat. Increased salt intake allows the body to retain more water and reduce the water-retaining hormone aldosterone.
Maintain a higher-than-normal salt intake until the day before starting the carbohydrate-boosting program (Step 7). When you reduce salt intake in step 7, aldosterone levels will adjust accordingly and your body will eliminate more water, much of it directly through the skin. This way your lines will look really good.
Second step
Preparation Phase: Increase Water Intake When you increase your salt intake, remember to drink 50% more water than usual. In other words, when you usually drink a cup of water, drink a cup and a half, thus increasing your daily water intake by 50%. More hydration gives your body better lines by the end of the entire procedure.
Maintain this water intake until step ten.
Step Three
Days 1 and 2: Halve carbohydrate intake
Now we are beginning the "carbon reduction" process. Reduce carbohydrate intake by 50%. Cutting back on carbs this time will prevent you from going into shock if you lose too much too quickly. If you originally eat 1,500 calories of carbohydrates a day (about the amount a 200-pound bodybuilder eats 3,000 calories a day during the maintenance phase), reduce your daily intake by 200 grams and eat mainly complex carbohydrates early in the day. On both days, keep your pre- and post-training simple carbohydrate intake to about 50 grams, half and half before and after.
Step 4
Day one to day five: appropriately increase protein intake
Some comrades are not prone to making mistakes here. When you reduce your carbohydrate intake, you must increase your protein intake to prevent muscle breakdown. However, if you eat too much protein, much of the protein will be used as energy and the body will not empty its glycogen stores. It is necessary to ensure that the muscles are still there and to deplete glycogen, so during these low-carb diet days, take in 50 grams more protein every day. A 200-pound bodybuilder who typically needs 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day will need 250 grams on these days.
Step 5
Days 1 to 5: Training with high reps
During the five days of depleting carbohydrates, train with high reps for 12-18 times per group, 50% more groups than usual. For example, you usually practice 10 sets of 2 brachii, but now you practice 15 sets, each set of 12-18 times. Of course, you have to use a lighter weight. Our purpose here is to reduce carbohydrate storage, which is quite effective in increasing the amount of practice. Everything relies on over-recovery. The more carbs you empty out, the more carbs you can store when you go back and "carb" again. This will make your muscles look bigger and stronger.
Step Six
Days 3 to 5: Further depletion of carbohydrates
These days, reduce your carbohydrate intake to 100-150 days, mainly eating complex carbohydrates, such as sweet potatoes, oatmeal, brown rice, etc. Eat earlier in the day and get 0.7 grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight.
Reduced carbohydrate intake results in reduced glycogen stores in the muscles. When glycogen levels decrease, the body begins to increase secretion of glycogen storage enzymes. When you start to increase your carbohydrate intake, these enzymes will convert more carbohydrates into Tang Yuan for storage, making your muscles look fuller.
Step Seven
Days 5 to 7: Reduce salt intake
Before you start increasing your carbohydrate intake, lower your salt intake. When salt levels drop, you experience the benefits of lowered aldosterone - becoming more dehydrated and drier. You don't need to eat any salt either. Just point out the salt you increase your intake.
Step 8
Days 6 and 7: Increase carbs (increase carbohydrates)
Now the fun step begins. After five days of depleting carbs and increasing training volume, your muscles are now running low on energy and are in desperate need of replenishment. When you switch to a high-carbohydrate diet, most of what you eat will be stored directly in your muscles. I recommend eating at least 3 grams of carbs per pound of body weight per day, and even 5 grams per day for those who are new to metabolism or weigh over 220 pounds. Don't eat fruit, cane sugar, or corn syrup that's high in fructose. Starchy complex carbohydrates are ideal. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, pasta, white rice, and brown rice are all good choices.
Step 9
Days 6 and 7: Reduce protein intake
When you increase carbs, you can cancel the protein added in step 4. This is based on the fact that carbohydrates and proteins work like a saw. When carbohydrate intake decreases, you need to eat more protein; when carbohydrate intake increases sharply, you do not need to add protein. One gram of protein per pound of body weight per day for these two days is enough.
Step 10
Days 6 and 7: Reduce water intake
In the second step, you increase your water intake. You can now reduce your water intake to half of what you were before in step 2. For example, you normally drink 1 gallon of water and now drink half a gallon. Carbohydrates require water to synthesize muscle glycogen, so many people think they need to drink like a thirsty camel. In fact, that’s not true. When controlling water and adding carbs, the muscles will grab water from the subcutaneous tissue to make up for the lack of water. The result is a body that appears drier (less subcutaneous moisture) and firmer.
Step 11
Days 6 and 7: Relax and stop practicing
Gain experienceThe principle is that it is best not to train during the carb-increasing period, because that will "absorb" part of the carbohydrates, causing the carb-increasing to fail to achieve the desired results, and the muscles will not look full enough. This may be why some athletes look fuller in the days following a race. Carbohydrates are best replenished during rest days. In fact, minimizing energy consumption allows you to build muscle.
Step 12
Day 7: Taking photos due to congestion?
Before going on stage, be slightly congested. Use light weights or isotropic devices to move around. Feel the muscles stretch, contract, and become congested during the entire movement. Use low reps and don't consume too many carbs.
Today, you may be in the best shape you have ever been. Take a few pictures so you can compare them later. You reduce carbon and add carbon. Taking photos to record your progress is a good way to determine whether you are making progress.
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