Bad genes? We're talking about DNA, which you learned about in college biology class. What about meiosis, mitosis... it's so cumbersome, no wonder you switched to economics.
Each person is made up of more than 100,000 different genetic factors. ?Although each gene is in the same location on the same chromosome, not all genes are the same. You may have noticed this. Unlike your training partners, no matter how hard you train, your calves have no obvious changes, or your lower chest is not full, or your lateral quadriceps cannot develop, or your biceps only have peaks. And there is no Texas Highlands. If you train hard and eat right, it can only be your parents' fault - bad genes. I really owe it to my parents!
Since it's too late to say that at this point, we invited some of the biggest names in professional fitness to get together for an advanced training seminar. These people conquered their congenital genetic limitations and embarked on the road to success. We compiled a list of those who are genetically successful and found eight professional fitness athletes who have trained hard to find the key points and techniques to make up for their inherent shortcomings. So stop worrying about your flabby abdominal muscles, and stop complaining about your parents’ bad genes.
Chest muscles
You know how developed your chest muscles are when your pectoralis major comes into the room ahead of your chin. That's how dramatic Gunter is when he walks in the door now, but that wasn't the case in the past. "My upper pecs needed special training, so coach Charles Glass developed a 'push' exercise to stimulate growth in my upper pecs," Gunter said.
These push sets can be performed on a Smith machine on an incline bench or a flat bench. After completing two sets of warm-up exercises of 10 to 15 times each, Gunter began to perform two sets of large-scale movements with a weight equivalent to 70% of the maximum weight for a single rep, each set of 6 to 10 times. Then increase the weight, add two more plates—you won't be able to complete a large range of reps at this weight—and install safety pulleys on the machine so that the bell will only drop half way. Then do 2 groups with small movements, 3 to 5 times each, and rest for about 1 minute between each group.
This method can both gain muscle mass and increase strength, especially at the top of the movement where you can feel the contraction of the muscle fibers. Because this move is so tiring, only do it once per training session.
Kes Tim talks about the key points of chest training
In order to make your bench press more effective, you might as well try the following method: After warming up, load the bell to the maximum weight you can bear, and do 5 to 6 reps of continuation movements as the first set. In the process of lifting the weight, you can use the help of your partners, but the bending part must be completed by yourself. Then remove 25% of the weight and do 10 to 12 times. Take off another 20% and do 15 to 20 reps to burn off all your strength—or however many reps until failure—and you'll feel like you've been roasted.
Kim Kamali
When Kim Kamali? goes into the gym to do some bicep training, everything happens seven times. Below King explains his advanced method for doing curls and curls: Stand upright facing your partner. The load-bearing size of the bend should be moderate, and the inward curved part should be grasped. After Kim has done it once, he hands it to his partner (who has to grab the outer part of the bird), and after he has done it once, he hands it to Kim. Then Jin finished doing it twice and handed it back, and so on until everyone had done it seven times at the final takeover. It’s not really the final takeover.
We then switched grips—I gripped the outside, he gripped the inside—and then went from seven to one as described above, and he explained this brutal bicep training method.. The pair then began doing separation and body-building moves like concentration curls, dumbbell curls and some upright machine work. "I always do muscle-building exercises first, then body-building exercises, and then peak contraction exercises," Kim explains. How he was able to hold the wheel and drive home after such training was anyone's guess.
Mark’s biceps training points
Try this fatal set of curls and curls: when you are at your strongest, do 4 to 6 reps of the yielding action, rest for 2 to 5 seconds, then immediately do a regular set of 4 to 6 reps, and then do it again Three groups. ”
Ganrit Downing
After years of repeating the same leg exercises—high weights, low reps, for 10 to 15 sets each time—Ganrett Downing transformed his lagging quads and glutes into the best parts of his body.
I increased the leg training by 8 to 10 sets per day, reaching a total of 25 to 30 sets, and reduced the number of upper body training sets to maintain a balance between the upper and lower parts. I also increased the number of reps per set from 8 to 10 to 15 to 20. I have to increase the weight more slowly in order to do higher reps, but in the end more blood flows to the muscles and it becomes harder to complete the set, so the muscles grow more.
For each leg exercise, I do five sets of each movement, including squats, lunges, leg presses, and Smith machine squats, starting with flexions as a warm-up and ending with marching side scissor squats. To me, overloading equates to muscle growth, so at the end of each set of five I force myself to do two to four more reps to complete failure. In addition, he does at least one unilateral movement in every training session, initially using this method to repair an injured hamstring. Single-leg squats are especially good because they make your balance harder, which forces your glutes to work harder.
Although I have only been using this training program for a year, the "seeming improvement" has made me very enthusiastic about this training. I ended up making a lot of progress in my quads and getting really good separation between my quads and hamstrings. I still need more training and believe that I will eventually achieve success!
Jay Carter talks about the key points of leg training
When doing leg presses I like to use rising sets to failure. First do a few sets of 10 to 12 times to warm up, then add a heavy weight and do 6 times, put it on the rack, and ask the assistant to add two bell plates, do 6 more times, put it on the rack, and add two more bells. Bell piece, do the last six reps. You'll feel your muscles burning like never before!
The basis of Chris Deem's entire training philosophy is assault. His training blitzes were so numerous that they were never repeated. Drop sets, mega sets, super sets, crazy sets - I've tried, tested, and still use every one of the above on a regular basis. I do every one of them, except for cheat moves - which I never do because I believe in full-frame moves. To me, deception is just a complex form with a fancy name.
My favorite method of all time is the three-set method, and I use this method without restriction in my training. I love these methods, especially when working with abs, because abs are very resilient and require more effort to separate them. I started with 20 to 30 reps of hanging leg raises, alternating between bent knees and straight legs on a weekly basis. Then directly perform the contraction of the tensioner, do another 20 to 30 times, and then perform 100 to 120 contractions on the ground. Rest for no more than two minutes in between, and then do this three-set exercise twice.
Sometimes, during the last set of contractions, my training partner and I both struggle to keep up with each other's reps. I would do the most I could and rest while my partner caught up with me, then I would catch up with him, and then it would be his turn, and the cycle would continue until we felt like throwing up.
Mark talks about the key points of abdominal muscle training
If you really want to sculpt or thicken your abs, use the resistance-increasing method. I like to do hanging leg raises with a medicine ball between my knees, a weight plate on my chest when I sit down on an incline bench and do lower reps.
Triangular muscle
Darim Charles
Although drop sets are a standard exercise for most intermediate and advanced bodybuilders, Darreem Charles has turned that standard on his own. This is a really good benchmark for dumbbells: as the weight goes down I keep decreasing the reps, but with dumbbells I decrease the weight while increasing the reps because when I put down a There will always be a longer time between sets of dumbbells when you lift them up for another set, so to compensate, you need to add two more movements for each lowering of the weight. This may sound like a afterthought, but it really works for me.
Maybe it was a hindrance, but it made his shoulders grow rapidly. After completing three sets of 8 to 10 reps of overhead presses each, whether with a bell or a dumbbell, Darim began to do the usual set of seated dumbbell lateral raises and descending sets. Start with 27kg dumbbells in strict positionDo eight reps with Extreme Control. Then use a weight close to 23 kilograms to do 10 times with the same requirement, and finally use a weight of 18 kilograms to do 12 times (you can do more if you feel you still have the strength). Rest for one minute, then do this drop set twice, and then use the cable machine to do three sets of 10 to 15 times of lateral raises with the cable machine.
I did notice a big change in my middle head this season. They used to be a little behind, but now they are back, so strong that they look like a three-dimensional shape.
〉〉Ji Carter talks about the key points of deltoid training
Try this for the last set of the overhead and shoulder press: Lift the weight to near failure, then force two more reps with the help of a partner. Rest the weight on the rack for 10 seconds, then complete as many reps as you can on your own, plus two more reps. If the method is correct, you will definitely not be able to recover today. The effect is really great.
Back muscles BACK
"As an amateur bodybuilder, the only criticism I ever heard was that my back needed work," Mark recalls. Motivated by his professional certificate, Mark initiated aggressive training for his back in 2003. A quarter back workout has been added to the training regimen, the repetition rate has been reduced and new training methods have been supplemented.
I originally used this rest-pause-stretch system on seated rows. I do believe it thickens and defines the mid-back and lower lats better. I put this particular seated row first. Used for back training because I can literally feel the muscles burning and can squeeze the muscles better and get a lot of blood into the muscles.
I always do two warm-up sets before starting two weight sets. Each of my training sets is performed as follows: do 6 reps slowly and intensively at 60% to 70% of your maximum weight. Then, instead of returning the weight to the starting position, extend your arms to support the weight for a silent count of five. Then do six more low-speed movements and count silently for five times, and finally do six more low-speed movements to finish the movement by lowering the weight.
His skill training paid off big time: Mark earned his professional certificate in 2004 and was able to proudly show off his back muscles during competitions.
Troy Alves talks about the key points of back muscle training
To add thickness to the middle and lower back, try doing partial deadlifts on the Smith machine. Insert the plug at a height of about 10 cm from the ground and do four training groups, each group 8 to 12 times.
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