Although this seems to be a training plan to increase bust size, in fact, this plan can be derived into an enlargement plan for any part of the body. This is also the principle of drawing inferences from one case to another that we advocate.

Weekly training plan, 1-4 weeks, training the same part twice a week. One is heavy weight training, and the other is super set [small and medium weight] training. The interval between the two trainings should be 72 hours.
5-8 weeks is the week for targeting key parts. 5-6 weeks for upper chest, 7-8 weeks for mid-chest thickness.
Weeks 9-10 are basically the weeks of maximum exhaustion. Not only do you need to use heavy weights, you also need to reduce the weight after failure, reach failure, then reduce the weight, and then again to failure, squeezing out the last bit of your strength.
The percentage of strength is divided according to the RM value. For example, 100% strength is the weight with RM of 1.
For example, at 85% intensity, the number of repetitions is generally 4 to 6.
Weeks 1-4
Heavy training day
Actions, sets, reps, intensity
Plate bench press 1 10 50%
Table bench press 2 6 85%
Incline Barbell Press 2 6 85%
Decline press 2 4 85%
Butterfly flying bird 2 6 85%
Rest 3 minutes between each set.
Light weight training day
Actions, groups, times
Plate bench press 4 10
Incline dumbbell press 3 25
Incline dumbbell press 3 25
Flat dumbbell fly 3 25
Rest 1-2 minutes between each set [you can even not rest, or only rest for 30 seconds].

Weeks 5-6 [Aiming at the upper chest + lower chest + mid seam. The movements in these two weeks are mainly isolation movements for shaping]
Actions, groups, times
Flat bench press [two groups here are warm-up] 1-2 20
Incline dumbbell press 5 63
Decline Smith Press 5 63
Tensioner cross 5 63
Rope pull-up 3 6-8
Rest 1-2 minutes between each set.
Weeks 7-8 [For the thickness of the middle chest, the weights in these two weeks are all basic movements to increase the latitude]
Actions, groups, times
Flat bench press 1-2 20
Flat bench press 4 8-10
Incline barbell press 5 8-10
Dumbbell bench press 4 2-34
Incline dumbbell fly 5 8-10
Weight-bearing arm flexion and extension 4 2-34
Unless noted, rest 1-2 minutes between each set.

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Weeks 9-10
Actions, groups, times
Flat bench press [Warm-up] 1-2 20
Incline barbell press [Basic movements] 5 6-15
Flat dumbbell fly [isolated movement] 5 6-15
Incline dumbbell press [Basic movements] 4 2-34
Dumbbell pull-up [isolation movement] 4 2-34
Weight-bearing arm flexion and extension [basic movements] 4 8-15
-Super group-
Seated Cable Cross 4 8-15
Tensioner Cross 2 25-30
Unless noted, rest 1-2 minutes between each set.
1. Warm-up group.
2. Do not perform any set of exercises to failure in this training.
3. Do drop sets in the last two sets of training: after you reach failure on the sixth repetition, immediately lose 20-30% of the weight and continue repeating to failure.
4. Do rest-pause training: Choose a weight (RM) that allows you to do 5-6 times and do 2-3 repetitions, rest for 15 seconds, and then repeat three or more times. This is considered a set of actions. Rest three minutes between sets and repeat.
Separation training
There is no doubt that your chest will take priority over all other body parts for the next 10 weeks. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t train other parts of your body. Here we've designed a sample discrete training program for you that should look more like the one you're working on to increase your bust size by 5 inches.
Weeks 1-4
Monday Heavy chest training
Tuesday Legs
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Light weight chest training
Friday Shoulders, Arms
Saturday Back, Abdomen
Sunday Closed
Weeks 5-10
Monday Shoulders, Arms
Tuesday Legs, Abdomen
Wednesday Closed
Thursday chest
Friday Back
Saturday off
Sunday Closed
The cornerstone of strength
For the first four weeks, you will train your chest twice a week, starting with a heavy chest workout and then at least two days later with a light chest workout (see Split Training Plan). This program consists almost entirely of free weights and compound movements to build your base strength. you will rarely take yourselfTrain to failure, and if you're going to failure, do it on the last set of an exercise—research shows that doing it to failure in just one set is better for strength gains than doing it in two or more sets. Multiple sets to failure.
On heavy training days, the amount of weight you use is very important: you will use a percentage of your one-repetition maximum (1RM) to determine the amount of resistance. After a few warm-up sets, keep your reps between 4-6 and rest for 3 minutes between each set. Training volume will be kept to a low level, following basic strength training guidelines; training will consist of only 8 working sets to primarily emphasize muscle building
Power and explosiveness.
On light training days, you'll fully flush your muscles and blood vessels with high reps (over 25) and deliver more nutrients and help to your muscles by slightly increasing the number of sets you perform (13 total) Recover from the exertion of heavy training. Do not train to failure with each set here, and rest for 1-2 minutes between each set. The key to these light training days is to increase your pump volume as much as possible. The metabolic waste products produced by training, such as those produced by burning glucose and fat to provide energy for muscle contraction, include water that is also injected into the cells. Pumping blood brings a lot of fluid flow and pressure on muscle cells, which increases the size of the muscles and produces a lot of chemicals, which tells us that the muscles are growing.
The cornerstone of every step
For the remainder of the program (weeks 5-10), you will train chest only once per week to promote recovery and maximize muscle growth. During weeks 5-6, you will use your newfound strength as a springboard to increase training volume and train with heavier weights, mostly 6-rep sets to failure. Now growth is our main goal. However, you don't always stop at six reps per set; after the last two sets of your middle three exercises, you'll follow up with drop sets to increase the intensity of the workout. Drop sets push your muscles past their limits and release more growth hormone. During drop sets, keep rest periods to a minimum—rest only when you are unloading the weight.
The exercises chosen should primarily be compound movements, but the inclusion of machine cross-clamps and pull-ups is intended to facilitate variation in training the pectoralis major from all angles.
Rest—suspend blood pumping plan
During these two weeks, you will use oneSets of 8-10 reps in a medium rep range—the perfect range for building size—use these basic chest exercises like bench presses, incline barbell presses, and weighted dips. You'll also add rest-pause, a high-intensity technique, to your workouts. With the rest-pause technique, you will actually be using a heavier weight than you can lift for 8-10 reps (roughly your 5-6 RM weight), yet you will still be doing the last two sets of the incline barbell press training Perform drop-set training. At this point, you should be able to notice a noticeable increase in your muscle size and strength.
It’s all about size
In the last two weeks of the plan, you will use all your energy. You'll be working high rep ranges, then low rep ranges, adding rest-pause and drop sets, and even superset techniques to build more muscle separation and detail. In weeks 9 and 10 of training, your training volume will be close to 30 sets. By the end of the 10th week, your pectoralis major muscles will have completely failed, and it is entirely possible to gain an extra 5 inches of chest circumference.
After you complete these 10 weeks of training, return to your regular chest training for at least two weeks - cut your training volume in half, minimize the use of any high-intensity training techniques, and stop all training The way to do it to exhaustion. Your chest is in great need of this "aggressive recovery" after a sustained burst of training, not to mention that it's also a great way to lead to additional girth gains during the two-week taper period, because Muscle growth depends on stimulating it with high-intensity and large-volume exercise followed by adequate rest.
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