Jessi's Fitness and Health Tip of the Month!

★ Posted on 02-06,2025

Each month we will be posting a fitness and health tip from Flex Fitness personal trainer Jessi Montgomery. This month Jessi has made a video demonstrating some stretches and exercises that will help improve your back pain that you get from sitting or an old injury from years ago.

Back Pain

Lower back pain can be caused by a number of things. In my practice, I often see a lack of core strength which can cause overuse in the lower back muscles. It is important to have a strong core while also following a regular stretching routine for your glutes and hamstring muscles so that you may start to ease your lower back discomfort. Here are some great exercises and stretches you can try 3x a week, 15 repetitions and 3 sets per exercise, hold the stretches for 30 seconds.

Exercise 1:

Glute Bridge Isometric with Med Ball Adduction
- The ball creates tension through your core and adductors which supports your lower back.

Exercise 2:

Glute March
- This unilateral movement forces your abs to stabilize your body, while allowing you to stretch your lower back simultaneously.

Exercise 3: Lying Alternating Hip Hinge
- This forces your transverse abdominis muscles to engage which is very important for stabilizing your core.

Exercise 4: Kettlebell Deadlift
- This stretches your hamstring muscles which are often responsible for lower back issues. It also strengthens your lower back and core muscles when done correctly.

Stretch 1: Adductor Squeeze with Forward Bend
- this helps you to engage your core and adductor muscles as you bend forward, stretching your lower back without creating tension in your spine.

Stretch 2: Abductor Squeeze with Forward Bend
- this helps to engage your glutes and abductor muscles as you bend forward, stretching your lower back without creating tension in your spine.

Follow us every month as all our trainers will be posting tips of the month. Contact us today to book a fitness consultation.

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