Make Daily Fitness Goals

★ Posted on 01-25,2025

In this article you will learn that making daily fitness goals is the biggest step to success when starting out.

The beginning of any fitness or health change in your life can be daunting and intimidating. This makes it challenging to find success in the early stages of your new routine. Firstly, don’t feel alone or overwhelmed because this is completely normal and something everyone has encountered who have decided to make healthy changes in their life. When you implement daily health changes such as drinking enough water, going to bed on time, limiting screen time or getting your daily steps in, these goals are realistic and can show positive results immediately. Humans are hardwired to receive immediate gratification from our habits but we also know that through long term consistency, we get real change, negative positive. The daily rewards that we can feel and see will keep you focused and motivated to then achieve the big goals that have major life changing effects on your health. Be sure to make daily health deposits to bank of wellness and save up for living a long life!

Here are some tips to help implement daily goals:

???? Attach the healthy habit to a habit you already do each day (be specific “I will drink my water after I get out of the shower in my master bathroom”).

???? Attach a positive reward to completing the new habit ($5 into an account for each time you complete the habit).

???? Set reminders on your phone.

????Have your goals list easily accessible to remind you.

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