Start Your Fitness Program Before the Holidays!

★ Posted on 12-30,2024

In this article we will discuss the benefits of starting your fitness program now before the holiday season!

Don’t fall into the trap of waiting to start a fitness routine after the holiday season, that is a big mistake. When you start now, you will make significant gains before the holidays. This will allow you to hit the ground running into the new year. The alternative option will result in more potential weight gain and de-conditioning.

Tryout the following tips to get started and ensure your success this holiday season:

???? Make a plan every wee for the days you can workout and book it in.

???? Focus on shorter workouts so you can maintain consistency.

???? Use the stairs, park further away and get creative with how you get your fitness in (play with the kids etc.)

???? Make sure you have a workout buddy or an accountability partner.

???? Focus on getting your mindset dialled in on your goals and one week at a time.

???? Eat foods that high in protein and fibre to fill you up.

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