Proper Core Training Technique

★ Posted on 12-27,2024

This is a very confusing subject because there is SO much information out there that contradicts itself. When designing an effective core or abdominal workout program, you must look at the individual instead of comparing yourself to others. Often we see clients who are trying to find “the one” exercise that will give them a six pack, or they are doing what someone else did that worked. In this video Flex Fitness personal trainer, Alistair Hopper, demonstrates some core/abdominal exercises and discuses how to use proper technique or adapt the exercise for your specific needs. It is important to focus on safe and proper technique while continually challenging yourself, to get the optimum results. Remember, food intake is a big part of the equation and will allow all your hard work to be seen more easily.

Contact us today to book a consultation and start your fitness journey!

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