Honey Raymond Bode is currently the most famous personal trainer and nutritionist. Many big-name professional bodybuilders spend a lot of money to hire him to guide them. This year's Olympiad champions Carter and Heath are his clients. His unique FST-7 training model has benefited many people, and he has become famous in the fitness industry. What exactly is the FST-7 training model? Why is it so effective?
FST-7 training mode is not a revolutionary training mode. Inventor Honey Raymond Bode did not revolutionize the traditional bodybuilding training model. He just made a more reasonable arrangement of the three major elements in the traditional training model-training intensity, muscle congestion and strength growth, thereby ensuring that the first two factors are maximized in every training without overestimating the second. Three factors are minimized. FST-7 is the abbreviation of Fascia Stretch Training-7, which translated into Chinese is: Fascia Muscle Stretch-7 training mode. Fascia is a layer or bundle of fibrous connective tissue that surrounds, insulates, or connects muscle fibers. 7 refers to doing 7 consecutive groups in the last training movement of each part, and keeping the rest time between groups to a minimum. This approach can make the muscles reach extreme congestion.
But the brilliance of Hani Raymond is that he uses very short rest time between groups and does more than 7 groups in a row, not just for the sake of extreme muscle congestion. For example, you can do 70 reps in a row, which will also make the muscles extremely congested. However, in this kind of marathon training, the training intensity and training load cannot be very high. Similarly, you can also use the drop set training method and do 7 consecutive sets of 10 drop sets, which can also make the muscles extremely congested. But by the time you get to the last set, you're using far less weight than you started with.
On the contrary, the rest time arranged in the FST-7 training mode allows you to maintain a high training intensity and training load throughout the entire 7-9 group training process. From the perspective of training effect, this approach is more like an extended version of the pause training mode.
In the FST-7 training mode, most of the last 7 groups use isolated movements, and the rest between groups generally does not exceed 30 seconds to ensure continuous muscle stimulation. The method is to be experienced in practice. Below I will write down the FST-7 training mode plan arrangement for junior bodybuilders by Hani Raymond Bode, so that everyone will understand it at a glance:
Specific training plan for each part:

Monday: Quadriceps + Biceps + Calf
Quadriceps: 4 groups of leg extensions + 4 groups of front squats + 3 groups of leg presses + 7 groups of Hack Squats (between the two training sessions, alternate Hack Squats and Leg Presses FST-7 training mode)
Biceps femoris: 4 sets of straight-leg deadlifts + 4 sets of prone leg curls + 7 sets of seated leg curls (between training sessions, alternate the prone leg curls and seated leg curls with FST -7 training modes)
Calf: 4 groups of standing calf raises + 4 groups of leg press machine calf raises + 7 groups of seated calf raises (between three training sessions, alternately use the FST-7 training mode for all calf training movements)
Tuesday: Chest + Triceps
Chest: 4 groups of incline dumbbell bench press/incline barbell bench press + 4 groups of incline dumbbell flyes + 3 groups of flat machine bench press/flat dumbbell bench press + 7 groups of seated butterfly machine chest press/cable chest press
Triceps brachii: 3 groups of cable presses + 3 groups of parallel bar arm flexion and extension + 3 groups of narrow-grip bench press + 7 groups of prone arm flexion and extension (between two training sessions, alternate prone arm flexion, extension and extension) Cable pressing adopts FST-7 training mode)
Wednesday: Back + Biceps
Back: 3 groups of wide-grip pull-downs + 3 groups of pull-ups + 4 groups of T-bar rows + 4 groups of bent-over rows + 3 groups of single-arm dumbbell rows + 7 groups of straight-arm pull-downs (between training sessions, Alternate straight-arm pulldowns and machine rows using the FST-7 training pattern)
Biceps: 3 groups of standing crank barbell curls + 3 groups of straight-grip dumbbell curls + 3 groups of dumbbell concentrated curls + 7 groups of dumbbell oblique curls (in between training sessions, alternate pairs of dumbbells Concentration curls, straight-grip dumbbell curls and dumbbell incline curls use FST-7 training mode)
Thursday: Front and middle deltoid + trapezius + rear deltoid
Front and middle deltoid muscles: 4 sets of dumbbell presses + 4 sets of dumbbell front raises + 4 sets of dumbbell upright rows + dumbbell lateral raises7 groups (between two training sessions, alternately use the FST-7 training mode for dumbbell press, dumbbell front raise, and dumbbell lateral raise)
Trapezius: 3-4 groups of dumbbell shrugs + 4 groups of barbell shrugs
Rear deltoid: 4 sets of dumbbell lateral raises + 7 sets of butterfly machine reverse flyes
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