Health Tips As We Age

★ Posted on 12-15,2024

In this video from personal trainer Alistair, he discusses health tips that are very important as we age.

You can’t stop father time from ticking away but you can greatly improve the quality of your life by following some important health tips. The way in which you choose two live your life will dictate the ability for you to continue doing the activities you love, such as spending time with loved ones, being independent and pursuing things you are passionate about. Not only will you improve your quality of life by making healthier chooses, you can add many more years to your life expectancy. Over 50% of cancers can be avoided by following these steps shown here:

???? Exercise daily for 30 minutes or more.

???? Eat whole foods and make healthy dietary choices 80% of the time (avoid non processed foods, added sugars, seed oils etc).

???? Get outside to absorb vitamin D but wear protection and follow recommendations according to your skin type (wear a hat, sunscreen, sit in the shade etc).

???? Limit alcohol to no more than one unit a week.

???? Do not smoke cigarettes.

???? Get 8 hours of sleep each night (it improves your immune system).

???? Get out with friends on a regular basis to be social.

???? Read, play an instrument, have thought provoking discussions with friends to keep your mind constantly being challenged.

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