Extreme training plan for professional bodybuilders

★ Posted on 03-03,2025

You can definitely gain muscle and lose fat within 15 minutes, so when you are short of time, let European and American professional players teach you quick training plans and secrets.

Tony Freeman's 15-minute biceps training plan: I travel a lot, so I often don't have enough time to exercise. I would choose a hotel with a gym for a fast and furious training program.

Jay Carter's 15-Minute Chest Workout: I have a lot of things to do, like meet-and-greets or autograph signings, so I'm seriously short on workout time. At this time, I will do speed training, resting very briefly between sets (30 seconds), and quickly transitioning from one movement to another. The main point is that you can't go too heavy or push yourself to failure, but that doesn't mean you have to go light. Medium weights are your best bet.

Phil Heath's 15-Minute Leg Training Plan: Sometimes I have to cut my workouts short, like when I'm in a hotel. In high school, I did wall squats with my friends while watching TV, but now my leg speed training program is even more intense: supersets of unloaded squats and wall squats.

Lewis's 15-minute triceps workout: I love high-intensity training, but when time is of the essence, you have to improvise. In fact, this will help your muscles grow as well.

Brandon's 15-Minute Shoulder Training Plan: The advantage of a quick workout is that you can hit the muscles hard with very short rest between sets. In this training plan of mine, my rest time between sets is 30-60 seconds.

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