Day 6: Rest (explanation of muscle anatomy)

★ Posted on 01-06,2025

Study Tips:

This fitness plan is translated from the BODYGUILDING website and is guided by coach Chris. The teaching process lasts for 12 weeks, with a total of 84 days of fitness exercise plan.
The plan is aimed at people who lose weight and gain muscle and are suitable for exercising in the gym. If you are exercising at home, you can use the relevant part movements instead.
This set of plans will guide you step by step to strengthen yourself. I believe that through this study, you will be able to arrange your own fitness plan freely in the future.

Everyone needs to take a day off today to give their muscles time to repair and recover. Today we will give you some knowledge about muscle anatomy. The content may be boring, but you can save it and use it later.

Day 6: Rest (explanation of muscle anatomy)

Shoulders - three heads

Anterior deltoid muscle: Recommended action, front raise. If you are weak in this area, start this action first

Middle deltoid muscle: Recommended action, lateral raise, this action exercises your shoulders, but will make your waist look smaller

Rear deltoid muscle: Recommended movements, prone side raises, more difficult isolation movements, to prevent unnecessary injuries, use a small weight.

These are isolation movements, meaning they only work one muscle group at a time.

Compound movements can work on many muscle groups at one time, such as squats, deadlifts, and presses.

Triceps brachii—still has three heads

Front: Recommended action, three-head press

Medium: Recommended movements, supine head arm flexion and extension

Back: Recommended movements, standing neck and arm flexion and extension

Of course, you can also try overhead cable dips and close bench presses. Don’t ignore the exercise of your triceps, they carry almost 70% of the strength of your arms!

Biceps brachii—has two heads

Inside: Recommended action, wide-grip barbell curl

Outside: Recommended action, hammer curl

All can play a role. Recommended movements are preacher curls

Back—There are four target areas

Trapezius: Recommended action, shrug

Latissimus dorsi: Recommended action, rope pull-down, can increase thickness and achieve a V-shaped figure

Back: Recommended actions, seated rope rowing - you can increase thickness and width, you can also perform bent over rowing, single-arm dumbbell rowing, etc.

Lower back: Recommended movements, dumbbell deadlift, goat press

Chest—three target areas

Upper part: Recommended movements, flat or incline dumbbell fly

Middle part: Recommended action, dumbbell press—arms drop in the middle area of ​​the chest

Lower part: Recommended movements, rope cross chest and decline press

Abdomen—two target areas

Upper part: Recommended action, weighted abdominal crunch-this weight will allow you to reach failure in a very small number of reps.

Lower part: Recommended movements, supine leg raise and hanging leg raise

Don't exercise your oblique muscles, because they are exercised in other movements, which can prevent you from looking square.

Work your abs once a week, just like any other muscle group, and train them hard using heavy weights.

Legs—4 target areas

Quadriceps: Recommended movements, leg flexion and extension---can exercise your quadriceps muscle tissue

Quads and hamstrings: Recommended movements, squats and leg presses—this is a compound movement

Quadriceps, gluteal muscles and hamstrings: recommended movements, dumbBell and Barbell Walking Lunges—Compound Movement

Hamstring muscles: Recommended action, leg curl - isolation action

Calf: Recommended movements, seated calf raise or standing calf raise

Use heavy weight and high reps, complete at least 20 times

Diet plan reference: (Tip, because of the translation into foreign languages, the recipes are Western recipes, everyone You can modify or refer to it according to your actual situation)


1: Egg protein

2: Oats

3: Coffee

Second meal

1: Lean steak

2: Brown rice

The third meal

1: Chicken breast

2: Sweet sweet potato

3. Broccoli

The fourth meal

1: Fish

2: Brown rice

3: Broccoli

The fifth meal

1: Chicken breast

2: Sweet sweet potato

3: Broccoli

Pre-training meal

1: Tilapia

2: Brown rice

3: Coffee

Post-training supplements

1: Protein powder

2: Creatine


1: Steak

2: Broccoli

Before going to bed

1: Casein

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