Day 4: Back and biceps exercise plan

★ Posted on 01-06,2025

Study Tips:

This fitness plan is translated from the BODYGUILDING website and is guided by coach Chris. The teaching process lasts for 12 weeks, with a total of 84 days of fitness exercise plan.
The plan is aimed at people who lose weight and gain muscle, and is suitable for exercising in the gym. If you are exercising at home, you can use the relevant part movements instead.
This set of plans will guide you step by step to strengthen yourself. I believe that through this study, you will be able to arrange your own fitness plan freely in the future.

Exercise Tips:

After a day of rest, on the fourth day we use the FST-7 training mode to exercise the back and biceps.

FST-7 training mode:The rest between groups generally does not exceed 30 seconds to ensure continuous muscle stimulation.

Day 4: Back + Biceps


Aerobic exercise
20 minutes

Underhand grip pull-down

Underhand grip pull-down

1 warm-up set, 8-10 times

3 groups, 8-10 times

Bent Over Barbell Row

Bent-over barbell row

1 warm-up set, 8-10 times

3 groups, 10-12 times

Goat stand up

Goat stand up/dorsiflexion and extension

1 warm-up set, 10-12 times

2 groups, 10-12 times

Straight arm push down

Straight arm press down

7 groups, 10-15 times

Now start using theFST-7 training mode, resting for 30 seconds between sets.


Concentration curl

2 warm-up sets, 12-15 times - one arm

3 sets, 12-15 times - single arm

Dumbbell alternating curl

Dumbbell alternating curls

3 sets, 12-15 times - single arm

Rope curl

3 sets, 15-20 times - single arm


Aerobic exercise
20 minutes

(Tip: 1: Usually rest for about 1 minute between sets, and FST-7 training mode is only 30 seconds. 2: The number of times is RM, that is, in a certain The maximum number of rounds you can do under one weight. This weight must be adjusted according to your own ability)

Nutritional supplement before and after exercise


  • Green TeaGreen Tea

  • Creatine Creatine

  • GlutamineGlutamine

After exercise

  • Proteinprotein

  • CreatineCreatine

  • GlutamineGlutamine

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