Beauty model fitness plan

★ Posted on 01-06,2025

How did you start working out?

2002. I'm not fat, but I have what everyone calls a "skinny-fat" body type. I was young and just neglected nutrition and training. In fact, I was always active in sports in school. I played softball for 8 years. I also participated in volleyball, basketball, cheerleading and various sports. I wanted to change my physique and I hired a personal trainer. I fell in love with the gym, even became addicted. Years of training finally allowed me to build some muscle and start competing, and to this day I haven't stopped training because I love it like crazy.

Where does your motivation come from?

My motivation comes from all kinds of things. I love this industry! I always wonder what the next step in improving my body shape will be like. This sport is my passion and I always want to get into a show of myself. My fans always encourage me, believe in me, support me and let me go!

(Motivation, dedication, and determination are the keys to success. Maybe it sounds a little cliché, but it’s true)

•Day 1: Back and shoulders/30 minutes of night aerobics

•Day 2: 30 minutes of aerobics in the morning/30 minutes of aerobics in the evening

•Day 3: Legs/30 minutes of night aerobics

•Day 4: 30 minutes of aerobics in the morning/30 minutes of aerobics in the evening

•Day 5: Chest, arms and abdomen/30 minutes of aerobics at night

•Day 6: 30 minutes of aerobics in the morning/30 minutes of aerobics in the evening

Back and shoulders

​•Neck pull-down 4×10–12

​•Seated Rowing 4×12–15

•Dumbbell single-arm row 4×12–15

​•Roman chair stand-up 4×15

•Dumbbell lateral raise 4×12–15

​•Seated dumbbell press 4×10–12

​•Bent over dumbbell lateral raise 4×10–12

•Wide grip upright row 4×10–12

Leg training

​•Seated leg extensions + prone leg curls 4×12–15 (super set)

 •Reverse pedaling machine 4×12–15

​•ArrowWalk 4×20

​•Seated leg curl 4×12–15

•Stiff-leg deadlift 4×15 reps

•Seated leg extension 4×15

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