Tips: This plan is suitable for those who have training experience, master most of the gym equipment, understand training theory and diet, and have normal body fat, and want to start Women who want to gain muscle and shape. Non-fat loss plan.
[In fact, adding 30 minutes of aerobic exercise after training every day can also become a fat loss training plan]
The concept of weight:
Heavy weight: You can only do 1~6 times
Medium weight: you can do 8~15 times, usually 8~12 times Better
Light weight: You can do more than 15 times, usually in the range of 15~20 Better
Note: If it is not marked as reaching failure, then all movements are done close to failure. For example, with medium weight 8~15 times, you can 15 times is just the right time for exhaustion, so when doing it, just do 12~13 times, leaving some spare energy , because this is the first four-week plan, which focuses on recovery and laying the foundation.
Program Description:
Monday:Leg training
1. Jogging10 Minute warm-up
2. Leg flexion and extension: Rest between sets should be 1~ 2Minutes, pause slightly at the top of the movement, and actively contract the muscles
Warm-up set:
Group 1: Light weight, 20 warm-ups
Group 2: Add weight, but this weight should still be in the light weight category, probably 15 times
Formal Group:
The first group: medium weight, about 8~15 times
The second group: increase the weight, but the weight should still be in the medium weight range, about 8~12 times
The third set: maintain the weight of the second set and reach failure
Set 4: Continue lowering the weight, but still in the mid-weight range, to failure.
3. Squats: Rest between sets should be 1~ 2Minutes
The first group: medium weight, about 8~15 times
The second group: Increase the weight, but still in the medium weight range, about 8~12 times
The third group: lower the weight, but still in the medium weight range, about 8~15 times
4. Prone leg curl: rest between sets should be 1~2minutes
The first group: medium weight, about 8~15 times
The second group: medium weight, about 8~15 times
The third group: medium weight, about 8~15 times
5. Romanian Deadlift
(At onceIt is a kind of deadlift between the straight-leg deadlift and the bent-leg deadlift. I visually guessed that this is what you did before)
What you are doing in the video is the Romanian deadlift, a kind of knee-bent cushioning. Make sure your waist is straight! If you can't stand straight, you'd rather not do it!
The first group: medium weight, about 8~15 times
The second group: medium weight, about 8~15 times
Tuesday: Back Training (Strength Fitness Guide)
1. Jogging10 Minute warm-up
2. Seated pull-down: The rest time between sets is controlled to 1 ~2minutes
Warm-up set:
Group 1: Light weight, 20 warm-ups
Group 2: Add weight, but this weight should still be in the light weight category, about 15 times
Formal group
The first group: medium weight, about 8~15 times
The second group: increase the weight, but the weight should still be in the medium weight range, about 8~12 times
The third set: maintain the weight of the second set to failure
3. Seated rowing: Rest between sets should be 1~2 Minutes, pause at the top of the movement, and actively contract the muscles
The first group: medium weight, about 8~15 times
The second group: medium weight, about 8~15 times
Group 3: Medium weight to failure
4. Narrow grip backhand pulldown: Rest between sets 1~2Minutes
(Actually, it’s still a seated pull-down device, but it’s changed to an overhand position, and the grip distance is narrowed)
Group 1: Medium weight to failure
Group 2: Medium weight to failure
5. Barbell rowing: Rest between sets should be 1~ 2Minutes, this movement cannot be changed to fixed equipmentTPole Row< /strong>
Barbell Row:
T pole rowing:
(If the gym has this kind of T bar rowing equipment, then I suggest you do one set with narrow grip and one set with wide grip. I suggest you choose < span xml:lang="EN-US">T barbell rowing, because the barbell rowing movement is difficult to learn and it is not easy to find the feeling of exerting force, but it puts too much pressure on the waist)
The first group: medium weight, about 8~15 times
The second group: medium weight, about 8~15 times
Group 3: Reduce the weight, but still stay in the medium weight range, and reach failure
Wednesday: Chest training
2. Dumbbell fly: Rest between sets should be 1~ 2Minutes
Warm-up set:
Group 1: Light weight, 20 warm-ups
The second group: add weight, but this weight is still in the light weight category, about 15 times
Formal Group:
Group 1: Medium weight, about 8~15 times
Group 2: Increase the weight, but the weight should still be in the light weight category, about 8~12 times
The third set: maintain the weight of the second set to failure
3. Incline dumbbell bench press: Rest between sets should be 1~2Minutes
(It is a dumbbell bench press with an incline angle. Note that the incline angle is moderate and should not exceed 45 degrees)
The first group: medium weight, about 8~15 times
The second group: medium weight, about 8~15 times
Group 3: Medium weight to failure
4. Push-ups: Rest between sets should be 1~2 Minutes
(If you can’t do normal push-ups, do kneeling push-ups)
Group 1: Go to exhaustion
Group 2: Go to exhaustion
Group 3: Go to exhaustion
5. Jogging20 Minutes
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Shoulder training
1. Jogging10 Minute warm-up, warm up the rotator cuff muscles
2. Dumbbell press: rest between sets 1~2< /span>minutes
(You can try his Arnold press. If your shoulder joint feels uncomfortable, stop immediately and wait until your training level is high before trying again. In fact, not many people use this action. This action was invented by Arnold Schwarzenegger. , so it’s called the Arnold press)
Warm-up set:
Group 1: Light weight, 20 warm-ups
Group 2: Add weight, but this weight should still be in the light weight category, about 15 times
Formal group
The first group: medium weight, about 8~15 times
The second group: increase the weight, but the weight should still be in the medium weight range, about 8~12 times
The third set: maintain the weight of the second set to failure
3. Upright rowing: Rest between sets1~2< /span>minutes
(This action can also be done with dumbbells, but the action is prone to instability. You can do it if you can control it well. Note that when doing upright rowing, it is best to use a wide grip, which can stimulate more deltoid muscles instead of overstimulation. For the trapezius muscles, the grip should be shoulder-width apart, not too narrow, just the grip in the video is fine)
The first group: medium weight, about 8~15 times
The second group: medium weight, about 8~15 times
Group 3: Medium weight to failure
4. Hell lateral raise: There is no rest time between sets in each cycle! Rest one minute between circuits and do two circuits
Group 1: Medium weight, 8~15 times
Group 2: Reduce weight, 8~15 times
Group 3: Light weight to failure
After completing the first cycle, rest for 1 minutes and then start the second cycle
The first group: medium weight, about 8~15 times
Group 2: Reduce the weight, about 8~15 times
Group 3: Light weight, reach failure
5. Supine Flyes: Rest between sets 30Seconds~1Minutes (Straighten your back!)
The first group: light weight, about 15~20 times
The second group: light weight, about 15~20 times
Saturday: Arm training
1. Jogging10 Minute warm-up
2. Dumbbell Curls: Rest between sets1~2 Minutes
(We do curling with both hands at the same time, so that the intensity can be higher. If your gym has a special curling training device, you can also do that)
Dumbbell curl:
Curl training device:
Warm-up set:
Group 1: Light weight, 20 warm-ups
Group 2: Add weight, but this weight should still be in the light weight category, about 15 times
Formal group
The first group: medium weight, about 8~15 times
Group 2: Increase the weight, but the weight should still be in the medium weight range, about 8~12times
The third set: maintain the weight of the second set to failure
Group 4: Lower the weight to failure
3. Bench extension: Rest between sets1~ 2Minutes
(Be sure to stretch your shoulders before doing this action, otherwise you will be easily injured)
Group 1: Get close to exhaustion. If you reach exhaustion, you may not be able to get up. . .
Group 2: Get close to failure
Group 3: Get close to failure
4. Jogging20 Minutes
Sunday: Rest
I won’t write about abdominal training because there are many tricks in this area. I gave Sister Zeng an eight-minute video on abdominal muscles. You don’t have to do all of it, just pick a part. can be placed after each training.
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