Core tip: Arnold never trains blindly. He constantly learns ways to improve. After all, he is not just seeking the biggest girth, but the best. Bodybuilding aesthetic. He learned from the bodybuilders around him, including those who came before him, such as George Wade, Dan Lurie and Vince Gironda.
Vince Gironda is also known as a bodybuilding phenomenon. Vince Gironda is the person who has the greatest influence on Arnold’s middle and rear shoulder training. Vince Gironda's dumbbell lateral raise is performed at a height higher than the average person, and then the wrist is consciously pressed inward, just like pouring water from a kettle into a cup. This increases the pressure and difficulty on the middle deltoid muscle. His unique bent-over fly movement is performed while leaning over an inclined bench, completely isolating the rear deltoid training. These were Arnold's early weaknesses.
(The picture shows Vince Gironda)
Remember these tips from Vince Gironda and Arnold tells you what he learned. This will be used during today’s dumbbell lateral raises and the inclined plank bent over fly on the next shoulder training day (Friday).
Day 16: Shoulders, hands, abdomen
Today’s tips: one to ten exhaustion shock method
After warming up, find the only weight you can lift once and do one set, then find the weight you can lift twice and do one set, then find the weight you can lift three times and do one set, and so on until you can lift ten Do a set of 100 times of weight. This is a very cruel method with no rest in between. The only time you take a break is when you put down the equipment. I like this technique best, it has a huge impact on the muscles!
Shoulders: span>
Weightlifting: 5 groups, 5 times each, rest for 45 seconds.
Super group (A+B):
< br style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px;" />
A dumbbell shoulder press: 7 groups, the first group is 30, and the rest are all 5 times. Rest for 45 seconds
B dumbbell alternate front lift: 7 sets, 30 in the first set, 5 reps in total. Rest for 45 seconds
Super group (A+B):
A side raise: 7 groups, the first group is 30 , the rest all 5 times. Rest for 45 seconds

B upright rowing - wide grip: 7 groups, first Set 30, all other 5 reps. Rest for 45 seconds
Biceps:< /span>
Barbell Curls: Perform the one to ten shock method training. Rest for 45 seconds
Super group (A+B):
A incline dumbbell curl: 7 sets, 30 in the first set, 5 reps in total. Rest for 45 seconds
B intensive curl: Set 7, No. One set of 30, and all the rest 5 times. Rest for 45 seconds
Triceps:< /span>
Narrow width< span style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; font-size: 19px; font-family: 宋体;">Barbell bench press: 7 groups, the first group is 30, and the rest are all 5 times . Rest for 45 seconds
Super group (A+B):
< br style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px;" />
A supine arm flexion and extension: 7 groups, the first group is 30 , the rest all 5 times. Rest for 45 seconds
B single-arm dumbbell extension: Group 7, No. One set of 30, and all the rest 5 times. Rest for 45 seconds
Super group (A+B):
A Overhand wrist curl: 7 sets, the first set is 30, and the rest are all 5 times. Rest for 45 seconds
B Reverse Grip Wrist Curl: 7 sets, the first set is 30, and the rest are all 5 times. Rest for 45 seconds
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